The AR App for identifying Trees
Urban Trees
Prepare to see urban trees in your city through new eyes!
Download on the App Store for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch and start identifying trees in cities around the world.
Supported Cities
Alblasserdam, Amersfoort, Amsterdam, Arnhem, Assen, Austin, Baltimore, Barcelona, Barendrecht, Basel, Belfast, Berlin, Birmingham, Bonn, Boston, Bristol, Buenos Aires, Buffalo NY, Cambridge MA, Chemnitz, Clark County, Cupertino, Delft, Den Haag, Denver, Dordrecht, Edmonton, Eindhoven, Fingal, Frankfurt, Gelsenkirchen, Groningen, Haarlem, Halle (Saale), Hamburg, Hilversum, København, Köln, Las Vegas, Leipzig, Lelystad, Linz, Lisboa, London, Los Angeles, Melbourne, Mississauga, Montréal, Mulhouse, New York, Nijmegen, Oslo, Palmerston North, Paris, Philadelphia, Portland, Rostock, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Monica, Seattle, Sliedrecht, Tilburg, Toronto, Ulm, Umeå, Utrecht, Valencia, Vancouver, Vejle, Washington DC, Watertown MA, Wien, Zaanstad, ZürichNon-Urban Areas
Data Sources
The information about the trees and their location is provided by the Open Data portals of those cities.
A big thank you to all the Open Data portals worldwide!
(See acknowledgements in the app)
A big thank you to all the Open Data portals worldwide!
(See acknowledgements in the app)